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About Macabee's Sweets​
It started with love....


​I've always loved baking and honestly got hooked on watching those crazy cake challenge shows and thinking, how fun would that be to do for a living! Then one day I thought to myself, I obviously love baking and I am enamored by these amazing creations...why not give it a try?


My first major endeavor in baking came about through my best friend.  She was getting married (on a budget) and I offered to make her cake.  It was a labor of love in her tiny apartment kitchen 385 miles from home. The result (as you see to the left) was a fun, funky cupcake tower that she loved and I loved creating.


 After working in an office for many years, I realized I finally found something a really enjoyed laboring at and Macabee's Sweets was born​.  I started creating cakes for any family birthday that came up and spreading the word to friends that I was happy to supply their cake needs, haha.  Slowly those creations began to generate appreciation beyond family and friends and here I am!


I think the number one reason I've had success is that I firmly believe that a beautiful looking cake is only as great as it tastes!  I only bake from scratch, with quality ingredients and lots of love :) As the sole creator, every order is given my total attention and care so you can be sure you are getting what you pay for​. ​


Thanks for reading and I look forward to creating a fabulous and delicious cake or sweet treat for you!




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